Maritime World



Freight forwarding is the modality that we are in charge of, from a technical study of the cargo and its needs to the hiring of transportation service providers. In this option, all the details of your process, from the closing of the freight until the arrival of the product at its final destination, are managed by Maritime World. We work with all shipping and airline companies, offering complete solutions in several modals — Maritime, Air, Road and Railway — We have representatives on all continents.


Customers Clearance, under Customs Duty, is the release of a merchandise by customs for entrance or exit in a country and the Certificate of Payment of the Tax over Merchandise and Services Circulation, only then the merchandise can be delivered to the importer or exporter.


Siscoserv is a system created by the Brazilian Federal Revenue in partnership with the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, in which the taxpayers who reside or domicile in Brazil must report all of their buy and sell transactions with resident and domiciled abroad which involve Services, Intangibles and other operations.


The Brazilian Federal Revenue’s Radar is a system that provides real-time information about Custom, Accounting and excise activities. It Gathers the main data on a single platform to fight against fraud during Import or Export of products. Based on these data, the Revenue’s Auditors can inspect and analyze transactions and behavior of companies and people acting in the foreign trade scenario.


Maritime World’s cargo transportation service has end-to-end tracking so that the customer can monitor the movement of their cargo in real time, with all the assistance and support from Maritime World.

We take care of the entire process, from the point of disembarkation to delivery to the designated destination, with safety, efficiency and reliability.